Study Guide  -  Week 7

Chapter 7 / Postlude

Think about the way you respond to conflict or frustration. The author points out on page 153, “just because something might be natural, it doesn’t make it noble or necessary.”
1. Talk about some ways that you’ve seen people naturally respond to others. What are some examples of responses that show disrespect and unkindness? What would a better response have been in that situation?
We also have natural ways that we respond to God when He doesn’t do what we expect. “So, I’m daily inviting the Holy Spirit to reprogram me – to reprogram what I reach for when God goes off-script.” (p.158)
>> Read Psalm 27:4, a song of David

2. If you had to narrow all your desires down to ONE thing, what would you honestly say your greatest desire is at this point in time?
"My daily seek is my daily reach. What I desire, I will reach for. I train my heart to reach for what it reaches for. And if I want that to be God, I must daily surrender, train, and condition my heart to reach only for God.” (pg.161)
3. What are some practical ways we can train our hearts to desire God’s presence above all else?
The author talks about some examples when God has gone off-script in his life: his son diagnosed with autism, his own illness, and uncertainty in the world around him.
4. Can you relate to any of the above situations? Where is God currently going off-script in your life? Even though the circumstance is difficult, have you seen God at work through it?
5. Talk about the importance of friendship in your faith journey. Do you have a group of friends who are present to listen, encourage, and challenge you when needed? Do you have any people in your life who you need to stop listening to? How can we cultivate strong friendships?
>> Read Philippians 4: 4-9
6. What do these verses teach us about the peace of God?

Wrapping Up...

Thank God for your time together these past two months. Pray that during times when God doesn’t make sense, that we would lean into a Christian community to lift us up, and be filled with the peace that passes all understanding.

Small Groups Are Important!

New Hope Community Church encourages everyone to participate regularly in a small group. The importance is for you to have accountability to others, as well as a place where you feel you belong and are cared for. Getting to this place requires groups to spend frequent and consistent time together, getting to know one another as you walk together through life. As for any book study like this one, what is important is that you engage in conversation. Where God leads the discussion is up to him, so do not feel pressure to have every person answer every question, nor to feel rushed to get through all the questions. Allow this to simply start/guide the discussion, and then let it progress from there. Sunday messages were connected to each chapter from the Disobedient God book, and reading along each week could enhance the experience, but these questions can still be used even without reading the book or even hearing the message. Thanks for taking this step.