Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The primary goal of these teams is to impact people outside the walls of our building. Whether it be down the street or across the ocean; whether it be people looking for a spiritual connection or people just in need of help, these ministries serve people. Some teams are yet to be developed, as we have a strong passion for missions and church planting, however our Community Team has been strong for many years, making a difference locally in a variety of ways.
Meet the team!
(click on the picture to email a staff member)
Bethany Paterson
Community Team
This team facilitates activities, both inside and outside the walls of the building, that serve and support the surrounding community.
Marianne Dawson
In a church our size, it is not practical for the pastors to be able to check in on everyone who has been hospitalized, or who are otherwise unable to leave their house. This team of volunteers steps in to care for our people during these times.

(no current leader)
We have a long-standing relationship with a sister church in Rivne, Ukraine, we've explored other potential partnerships in Poland, and many New Hope families sponsor Compassion Kids in Bolivia and around the world.

(no current church planter)
Church Planting
This is a ministry we hope to be able to invest more time and energy into in the coming years. As finances and called individuals become available, we hope to plant a new church every two years!