Another Christmas season is upon us, and we are excited to celebrate the birth of Jesus!  Thanks for checking out our Christmas page.  We hope you plan to join us all month for our Fandemonium series.  As usual, for our Christmas Eve celebration we are offering multiple options across multiple days.  We would love for you to invite your friends and neighbors to join us, not only for our Christmas Eve celebrations, but for the entire month of December, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Christmas Gatherings

Typical Christmas Eve celebrations here at New Hope include multiple contemporary experiences, followed by one somewhat traditional-style, candlelight gathering at 11pm on Christmas Eve.

This year's Schedule:

December 23rd - 7pm

December 24th - 9am & 11am


December 24th - 11pm (unique candlelight service)

As always, we will be Livestreaming the celebrations on both our Facebook Page AND our YouTube Channel.