Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4
Relationships and sharing life with others is critical to the life of our church. These ministries promote the strengthening of our connections with others.
Meet the team!
(click on the picture to email a staff member)
Andy Kuscsik
Small Groups
There are many groups, of differing demographics, that meet at various times and locations. In a church our size, if you're not connected to others through a small group or serving on a ministry team, it's only a matter of time before you'll become "lost in the crowd."
Chris & Nicole McClelland
Marriage Ministry
This ministry addresses 1 of 2 critical areas of life where people are constantly under attack from the enemy. We invest in marriages through monthly date night events. Check out the next one!
Jeanette Gessner
Women's Ministry
This ministry meets regularly to build relationships! Check out their monthly event... Gather & Grow. All women are invited to come and connect with one another!
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
New Hope Community Church encourages everyone to participate regularly in a small group. The importance is for you to have accountability to others, as well as a place where you feel you belong and are cared for. Getting to this place requires groups to spend frequent and consistent time together, getting to know one another as you walk together through life. As for any book study, what is important is that you engage in conversation. Where God leads the discussion is up to him, so do not feel pressure to have every person answer every question, nor to feel rushed to get through all the questions. Allow this to simply start/guide the discussion, and then let it progress from there. Sunday messages are sometimes connected to a particular book, depending on the series, and reading along each week can enhance the experience. However, the small group study questions can still be used even without reading the book. We would love to hear about your growth as you engage with a small group! Thanks for considering this step.