
Have you ever noticed how most people want to fit in, blend in, and just fly under the radar?  Uniformity and conformity are celebrated way more than individuality and standing out.  And the idea of being so different that you could be referred to as strange or weird is something that is almost universally rejected.  But Jesus, our example, stood out.  And we are invited not only to follow him, but also to live into the counter-cultural calling of the peculiar people of God.  Many of the things we usually think typify “the Christian life” aren’t all that different.  As we begin a brand new year let’s embrace a brand new and transformational practice... being different!


Week 1

**Due to some technical difficulties, the video for this message is not available.  It was discovered that the audio failed to record.  We apologize if you were counting on seeing it.

An Invitation You Should Accept

January 6, 2019

At this time of year we are all being bombarded with thoughts and ideas we would like to incorporate for the coming year. Goals, resolutions, and better practices. But there is a good reason why more than eighty percent of yearly goals are never achieved… desire isn’t enough. We have to actually do something. And it is better when we do whatever that something is WITH someone else. And when that something actually accomplishes stuff that is worth it and makes a difference, we just might find the willingness and ability to follow through. Join us this weekend as we discover one invitation you really should accept!